Hello, friends and wonderful supporters of Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers’ Market!
So we’re just about through with February! Can spring be that far behind? Surely not! And that means that we will all soon be together again in Dufferin Grove Park. ????
First, to let you know, my name is Judith Thompson, and I am the market board’s treasurer – I’m also your guest writer for this month’s news. You may recall hearing from me, last summer (of 2022), when we were asking for donations – and by the way, thanks for being so generous! Thanks also, for helping to make the 2022 market year such a success overall – even despite the many changes and challenges we faced. xo
And speaking of the 2022 market year, some of you may recall last season, when (for a time), we operated the market within a hybrid model – thus both in-person and online. We are still working out (for a possible date in the future), whether the hybrid market would be once again viable. That includes also just looking at whether or not there are some who would benefit from having delivery.
If you are someone who used the delivery service last summer, and have feedback you’d like to share with us, please send your thoughts to Cora James (of the board of directors), at corajam@gmail.com.
Also, a reminder that the market, being a non-profit, also needs to engage in more active ongoing fundraising efforts. The board is busily investigating and applying for several possible grants, both governmental and non. And we will also be running some fun fundraising activities on a smaller scale, aimed at you, our friends and supporters. Please stay tuned as the season gets going!
And lastly (from me), if you haven’t yet gotten your Dufferin Grove Farmers Market tote bag, (respectfully), what are you waiting for? Well thankfully, Nicole still has some available – you can contact her at info@dufferingrove.ca, with the subject “tote bag”, to get one!

That’s all for now folks (from me) – thanks for sticking with me through this fun-filled ramble!
Nicole will now have some “from the manager” info for you. Ok, see you soon. 🙂
From Nicole:
Hi folks! Isn’t Judith great? Haha
First off, my apologies that this month’s market news comes to you so late – and on a different day (of the week), than usual. Some technical delays held me back a bit unfortunately – but for next month, we’ll have things much more timely once again!
Ok, so I know we’re all waiting (as best we can), for the new market season. And also hoping that the status of construction in our fair park, is going smoothly, and on time. Well all I can really add to that, is “hang in there!” Sorry. But I do promise to keep you posted. :))
But thankfully you don’t have to wait to access good food!

Nathan (of Nith Valley), for one, wants customers to know/be reminded of, their delivery service. From Nith:
“We are still offering bi-weekly delivery on Wednesday’s to the Dufferin Grove area and we are partnering up with Lev Bakery to provide customers with some amazing fresh baked bread as well! All orders can be put through our online store https://www.localline.ca/nith-valley-organics – select delivery at checkout. We will be running deliveries this week Wednesday, late morning early afternoon!”

Another option comes from Plan B Organic Farm. Here’s what
Rodrigo (featured above), would like you to know:
“Plan B Organic Farm is offering their organic veggie boxes year-round in the Dufferin Neighbourhood, (and beyond) – www.planborganicfarms.ca, or email: info@planborganicfarms.ca. Pickup on Thursdays 3-9pm.
– certified organic vegetables & fruit
– ferments – kimchi & sauerkraut
– free range eggs, sourdough bread, honey, maple syrup
– Northumberland Street (Dufferin Neighbourhood)
– Pacific Avenue
– St. Helen’s Avenue
– Bracondale Hill Road
– West Lynn
– Gardenvale Road (Etobicoke)”
However, if like many of us, you’d prefer to shop in person, neighbouring markets are still Wychwood Barns, on Saturday mornings, and Sorauren Market, which is currently, is still just operating once a month on Mondays. Otherwise, we’re back in the park this spring, (mid-May.)
But in the meantime, there are still things to enjoy about the current season. For one, the skating rink at Dufferin Grove has been in use for some time, which many have been happily taking advantage of.
And with the recent snowfall over the last few days, the “toboggan hills” at the park are once again in full swing – all ages welcome!
But if “winter sports” are not your thing, enjoy the fact that the amount of daylight we’re getting, is increasing. That’s right – for the next good while, no more “early” sunsets, (not before 6pm anyhow. 🙂 Just another lovely reminder that spring is soon to be sprung!

Ok folks, thanks so much for reading. We got this! 🙂