Such a lovely scene, no? 🙂 And hey, if you happen to be in this photo, you look great! ???? Also, thanks for coming to the last market of the season! ???? Yup, that was our last (outdoor) market, (October 26th.) Man. I’m really gonna miss you bunch – and being in that big, beautiful park every week. Sigh..
Ok, So What’s Next?
I’ll happily restate that the indoor market is happening! It’s looking like our start date will be November 30th, 2023. And again, this will be at the clubhouse, at the north-end of the park. Please view the temporary indoor flyer – and (with thanks), share with a friend or two! 🙂
So to be clear, the weeks between (and including), November 2-23rd, there will be no market at Dufferin Grove – yes, that unfortunately amounts to about a four-week delay. This is largely because our indoor space will not be available to us. It was initially promised to us much sooner, but alas, here we are.
But if you’ll hang in there with me, I know that our amazing vendors will surely make it worth it! And if there is any way that I can get the market started sooner, I will! And please know that weekly newsletters will continue. They’ll obviously be slightly briefer, as there won’t be much vendor news, but I’ll provide any updates that I can. And if you’re finding that you still have questions, feel free to drop me a line:
Options During “The Interval”..
As mentioned last week, both Nith Valley and Plan B, are offering delivery and/or pickup options.
(Details from Nith Valley):
“We will be doing deliveries on Wednesdays to coincide with other deliveries in Toronto. We will be delivering to areas with postal code starting with M6. Folks can sign up and order through our online store at Nith Valley Online, ( Order deadline is Monday night for Wednesday delivery. We currently have the two weeks live for ordering for delivery and will update if and when needed for any further delays to the market re-opening. We will miss seeing everyone out at the market for the few weeks it is off and can’t wait for it to re-open, but are glad we can do our small part to keep people fed in the meantime.”
(Details from Plan B):
“We are offering a pick up spot in the neighbourhood, for weekly organic boxes. Pick up on Thursday afternoons on Northumberland Street – “lots of sizes and options – customize your box, add eggs, sourdough bread, organic wraps – /”
Other Nearby Farmers’ Markets:
Sorauren Farmers’ Market (on Mondays, 3-7pm), will have their indoor market starting November 6th, at their new (indoor) location being Henderson Brewery at 128A Sterling Road.
Wychwood Farmers’ Market (on Saturdays, 8-1pm), is also continuing for the indoor season, (starting November 4th). This is at Wychwood Barns, near St Clair and Christie.
Hooray for Market Music! ????
And the last market (in addition to great food), was also filled with great music. Richard (and “special guest” Jim), were just spectacular!! Such a treat, having them at the last market. And stay “tuned” – they’ll definitely be back!
Fun Faces – Fun Facts!
This next “fun face”, allows me to also share a fun fact with you! (One that I, myself, had no idea of.) So here I am at Queen’s Park, pictured with MPP, Mike Schreiner – (because last Wednesday, October 25th, was “Ontario Organic Day at Queen’s Park”.) This was put on by the Organic Council of Ontario (OCO) – yay! Now regardless of how you feel about provincial politics, the fact is, the organic movement does need support from government – as well as (further) opportunities to hold government accountable. Our precious greenbelt farmlands are a clear example of that. Now obviously, lots more work still needs to be done. But it was still nice to be a tiny, (but enthusiastic), voice for devoted and hard-working organic farmers. A mouthful perhaps, but every now and then I think it’s important to restate why we’re here – why we do this.
And now a FUN FACT: Mike Schreiner was initially a vendor at the Dufferin Grove market! He was actually one of our original vendors, selling pies and other baked goods, going back to 2002! Is that cool or what?? Maybe some of you remember? Or if your mind was just blown, believe me, mine was too when he told me! I almost did a cartwheel then and there! haha
Man – our market rocks! ????
Happy Halloween everyone! ???? We will be together again soon – promise.. xo
(*November 30th, 2023, first indoor market – at the Clubhouse, in Dufferin Grove Park)