Such a great market last week! Complete with a vendor birthday too! Yes, Estelle of (Estelle’s Caribbean Cuisine), had her “special day” on February 1st, and we wished her well! A big thank you, to those of you who joined in on the fun, and sang along.
We even had Rodrigo (of Plan B Organics) playing some guitar accompaniment for all of us to enjoy. Music, and birthday wishes with your veggies – what could be better? Thanks Rod – we love you! ????
And if you’re looking for something else to celebrate, how about the Lunar New Year?!! It officially kicks off this Saturday (February 10), with the Year of the Dragon. However at this week’s market, Tammy and Chris (of Bitterbetter), are offering a fabulous promo for Dufferin Market shoppers! Some details for you:
“Bitterbetter is here again this week to help you and your loved ones with good health…This week, we are doing a Lunar New Year special at the Dufferin Grove Farmers Market. Buy 1 bottle of Fountain of Life, Get 1 Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat Premium tea for FREE (value of $20).”
Note: Bitterbetter is away next week, (February 15th) – so stock up while you can!
And if you’re one who likes to “snack while they shop”, we’ve got you covered! The pakoras from Magic Oven, (pictured), are the perfect treat – snack-sized, simple, and delicious. And that incredible tamarind sauce! Need I say more?
And just a reminder, for those that didn’t know, (or perhaps haven’t yet tried) – you can also do a lap or two, around the skating rink, while you’re here at the market. And if you don’t have skates of your own, you can always borrow some (at no charge!) The skate lending office is located just inside the clubhouse, (where we hold the market.) So enjoy the rinks while you still can folks! One of the many things that makes our market so special.
And lastly, (on the rinks), great news to our women and non-binary folks. Our Dufferin Grove rinks also host a FREE women’s shinny program – 7-9pm, every Thursday night! And here are a few words from Deirdre Norman (the organizer):
“Even though it’s drop-in, we consider ourselves a community – and we use this time to play shinny (in the open air), to connect with others, and to have fun. It is our safe place. All skill levels are welcome, and we encourage newbies to join. Just show up and play – there is no list or registration involved.” Just incredible.
And finally, as we’re now well into February, I’ll also bring mention to this month being Black History Month. And yes – that certainly can mean different things to different people. Or perhaps nothing at all, (which is totally fine.) But for me, I look at BHM as a way to remember, and a way to celebrate – and to hopefully, build community.
While we remember the many hardships faced by Black people (past and present), we can also celebrate the many accomplishments. And thankfully, food can serve as a common platform for us to engage with all of that. Historically, market places throughout the Black diaspora, have functioned as meeting places for people to connect – through culture, language, and of course, food. Strong bonds of friendship within communities were often then formed. Sounds a lot like what we do at Dufferin Grove, no? Well let’s keep it going! ????
The amazing Jutta Mason – and “little ole me”. Thanks Jutta, for sharing a smile with me. ????
LIST OF VENDORS for February 8th:
- Nith Valley Organics
- Plan B Organics
- Noki Farms
- Johnson Family Bakery
- Forbes Wild Foods
- Hammerhead Fish
- Rogers Ranch
- Estelle’s Caribbean Cuisine
- Magic Oven
- Kalmplex Snax
- Bitter Better!
Thanks everyone – you made this all happen! xo
(*in the Clubhouse at Dufferin Grove Park – every Thursday. 3-7pm)
Incredible Miche sourdough from Johnson Family Bakery – yum!