Long Weekend, Here We Come! đź’Ş

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So the saga continues? Of the spring that wouldn’t quite “spring”, I mean. haha 

Well last week, I said that we were “springing into spring” – but then that nasty cold snap, (ouch!) And then the “generous” snow-dumping just this past weekend – wow! But maybe you found ways to enjoy all of that – good for you! Either way, hang in there – I promise you, spring (weather) is on the way. And with that, your favourite farmers’ market is absolutely ready!

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Nykole and Heather of Noki Farms

The lion’s mane (in our feature photo), from Noki Farms, were just incredible last week! If you were lucky enough to snag some, feel free to thank the Noki team when you see them this week. 

Vendor News..

Lots happening this week, so buckle up friends! haha

First up, Nith Valley Organics. In addition to beautiful spring radish (pictured), with this weekend being the Easter long weekend, they will also have FRESH LAMB!! Get it while you can – fresh, local and organic! 

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Gorgeous spring radish from Nith Valley Organics.

And this Thursday, please welcome a new vendor pop-upMeui Kimchi

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A brief bio from Meui:

“At MEUI Kimchi, we’re dedicated to sharing the authentic flavors of Korean cuisine with our community. We prioritize locally-sourced organic ingredients and work closely with local farmers to ensure the highest quality and freshness in our products. I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to the Dufferin Grove Organic Market and promote local, sustainable, and delicious food options. So Get ready for fresh, flavorful kimchi crafted with love.” #MeuiPopUp

Also joining us this week, is a brand new fishery – Fisherfolk! 🙌 (New to Dufferin Grove that is. 🙂

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Fisherfolk’s bio:

“Fisherfolk is named in honour of the proud, conscientious folks who put the best, high-quality fish, forward. With rising competition to do everything faster and cheaper, there is insurmountable pressure on fisheries to offload costs in ways that sacrifice product, people and heritage. By sourcing from Canadian-caught, processed and packaged fisheries, we can help to keep self-sustaining proud fisher folk, doing what they love, for generations to come.” Amazing.

And just an fyi.. Sadly, Hammerhead Fish has had to withdraw from the market – (due to staffing issues with their restaurant.) They greatly enjoyed their time at Dufferin, and thank the community for all of the kindness and support they received.

Save The Date!

Yes folks, (more details to follow), but please mark Saturday April 6th, 2024 in your calendars. At our clubhouse, (where the farmers’ market is currently held), from 1-4pm (on that date), there will be an “open house”. This is being led by the City of Toronto, (specifically, Councillor Bravo’s office.) However, the Dufferin Grove Farmers’ Market will have a small presence that day too! So please come out and show your support – and take this rare opportunity to speak to your city councillor, directly. Again, more details to come. Now let’s hope for great weather that day! 

Introducing.. Hayley!

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You may have seen this lovely face at the market last week, (or on other occasions.) Well Hayley loves the market, and the Dufferin community – and has graciously offered her photography talents. Hayley also studied photography, and just  loves taking pics – especially if to promote the market. So if you see her standing behind a super-fancy camera, no need to be alarmed. Some of those pics will likely appear in future newsletters, (or on our social media streams.) Thanks Hayley! đź’ś

Highlights (from March 21st)..

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Some of you will recognize this face, (from way back, sort of.. haha) Yes, that’s the delightful Alvaro of Plan B Organics. It’s usually his brother Rodrigo at Dufferin, that many of you are likely more familiar with. But for the “way-backers” like me, it was great to catch up with Alvaro last week, and have him in the new space. Yay!

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And Reza, of Alma Bakery, was thrilled to finally be at Dufferin, “in-person”. (As mentioned), he was initially part of our online market, back in 2020-21. Well Reza loved making face-to-face connections with market shoppers last week, and can’t wait to be back! Stay tuned friends – he will return! 

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Kalmplex Snax – yummy dried fruit, with “a kick”. 🌶️ 

LIST OF VENDORS for March 28th:

  • Nith Valley Organics
  • Plan B Organics
  • Noki Farms
  • Johnson Family Bakery
  • Fisherfolk (new!)
  • Rogers Ranch
  • Forbes Wild Foods
  • Green Florin
  • Kalmplex Snax
  • Magic Oven
  • Estelle’s Caribbean Cuisine
  • Meui Kimchi! (pop-up)

See you Thursday – and happily long weekend! 


(*in the Clubhouse at Dufferin Grove Park – every Thursday, 3-7pm)

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Incredible Swedish knots from Johnson Family Bakery.