written by Nicole Jacobs, Market Manager
Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St
*full vendor list here.
Last week, I was pleasantly reminded of how great of a “third space” our market really is. So naturally I then thought, “I must write about this!” haha
Yellow plums from Reyes Farms
Ok, so most of us will hopefully agree that our lovely farmers’ market, means a lot to our wonderful community. Well at last week’s market, longtime market-goer, Stephanie, actually took the time to stop and emphasize this to me – (and in doing so, actually coined the term, “a great third space”.) “Can you elaborate?” I asked. And boy – what a response I received. To Stephanie, “third spaces, are places other than home or work, that we can go to, as a way of nourishing ourselves, socially – and (in this case), nutritionally as well. 🙌 We can also connect with/find, community in these spaces, and often, also some relief from isolation.” Wow. If you’re reading this Stephanie, thanks so much!
Veggie bounty from Kooner Farms
And now more than ever, emphasizing the incredible value that farmers’ markets hold, is even more crucial. Some of you may be aware of a certain corporate grocery store chain, that was recently instructing folks to “skip lines at farmers’ markets”, (and shop at their stores instead.) Imagine that – discouraging us from supporting farmers’ markets. All the same, a big thanks to all of you – for not listening, and thus continuing to make our market better! 💜
You’re also keeping smiles on the faces of amazing farmers, like Jenny, (of Knuckle Down Farm, – our feature photo.) Nice bok choy Jenny – incredible!
Veggies (and more) from Plan B Organics
Vendor News..
At last! It’s finally time to welcome back “Greenhouse Eatery”! Audrey is super-excited to be back at the market – and in addition to her incredible, black garlic products, and organic veggies, she’ll be grilling up some delicious eats for us as well. Look out for her famous jerk chicken, ribs, corn, and more! 🤸🏿♂️
But please know that Greenhouse Eatery is only at Dufferin once per month this season. Just another reason to try to come to every market. 🙂
Scroll for the full vendor list, or click here.
Our bi-weekly vendors this week: Urban Harvest, Fisherfolk, Crepe de la Crepe, Green Florin, Pine & Ginga Juice, and Maizal Tortilleria. Our monthly vendor this week, is BitterBetter.
Also happening this week, is a poetry performance from Diaspora Dialogues. This will take place from 4-5pm – enjoy!
And a reminder that Forbes Wild Foods is still away until next week – (August 8th.)
Yummy samosas from Magic Oven
A Sunday Market – In Our Hood!
Yes, it’s true! The folks at Society Clubhouse have partnered with us, at the Dufferin Grove Market, to present “The Lazy Sunday mini-Farmers’ Market”. Starting this Sunday, (August 4th), it will take place on Sundays (11am-3pm), in August & September. September 1st is the one exception, (being Labour Day weekend.)
And if you are able to come out this Sunday (August 4th), please say hello to vendors like Knuckle Down Farm! Yes – Jenny will be taking part!
(However, that being said, a heads up that Knuckle Down is away from our Thursday market, August 1st and 8th) – but let’s go and show support over there!
Contact: Erica erica@societyclubhouseTO.com to learn more about the “Lazy Sunday Market”.
Highlights From Last Week..
Hooray for the music of Papalote! This amazing quartet thrilled market shoppers with the sounds of some fabulous Cuban music. I even saw a few of you dancing! And great news – Papalote returns on August 29th.
A special thanks to those of you who helped out, and/or took part in the clothing swap and art workshop. Great work everyone! Anna (the organizer), was very pleased, and plans to do another one later this season – details to come.
And if you still haven’t tried the amazing flavours from Jiggy Popz, I strongly recommend! And clearly, Vijay (city staffer), concurs. You may have seen Vijay helping out a vendor or two at the market, or doing other incredible work, to keep things going at the park. He definitely deserves to have a treat – yahoo!
Incredible tomatoes from Aldergrove Farm
Hooray for markets – hooray for you! xo
*every Thursday, 3-7pm – in Dufferin Grove Park (at the north-end)
Johnson Family Bakery – yummy olive sourdough
VENDORS _ August 1st, 2024
- Plan B Organics
- Nith Valley Organics
- Reyes Farms
- Aldergrove Farm
- Noki Farms
- Kooner Farm
- Sundance Harvest
- Nature’s Way Organics
- Greenhouse Eatery – new!
- Urban Harvest
Meat, Fish & Dairy:
- Rogers Ranch
- Fisherfolk
- Nith Valley Organics (lamb & chicken)
- Monforte Dairy
- Rogers Ranch
- Nith Valley Organics
- Kooner Farm
- Johnson Family Bakery
- Robinson Bread
Prepared Foods:
- Magic Oven
- Estelle’s Caribbean Cuisine
- Tapioca Toronto
- Greenhouse Eatery – new!
- Crepe de la Crepe T.O.
Preserves & Specialty Items:
- Kalmplex Snax
- Jiggy Popz
- Green Florin
- Pine & Ginga Juice
- Maizal Tortilleria
- Bitter Better
- Heartwood Farm & Cidery
- Blood Brothers Brewing
- “Diaspora Dialogues” – poetry performance, 4-5pm
- Musician – Richard Underhill
- Face Painting by Isabel!
- The Big Toddle – charity pop-up
- Karma Co-op
- Community Fridges
Our market face-painter and incredible artist, Isabel, continues to transform happy faces into works of art! 🙌