Celebrating 15 Years!

Please join in Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Market  on Thursday November 16th, 2017 [...]

Happy 15th!

This week we’re ready for some fun as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the [...]

Bringing it All In

We’ve received some inquiries recently which remind me that not everyone who’s interested in supporting [...]

Good Clean Veg

CHANGE OF PLANS for today! We’re moving the market in and around the rinkhouse so [...]

Outrageous Orange and Glorious Green

Have you noticed when you come to the market, that orange is not just plain, [...]

A Lamp Burning Bright

Happy Diwali! Tonight, to celebrate India’s “festival of lights”, many people around the world will [...]

Pawpaws, Potatoes, and a 5,000 Pound Pile

We had such a fun start to the rink-market season last week! We had to [...]

Where We Stand

We’re going to have a bountiful, sunny Thanksgiving market ON THE RINK! I’d like to [...]

One More Sweet September Afternoon

And so we arrive at the end of September, and the last ‘path’ market of [...]

Silk Tea and Tin Sandwiches

Approximately 11 harmonica players from down Dunville way will be entertaining us, and a keen [...]