Search Results for: preserves

Happy 15th!

This week we’re ready for some fun as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the [...]

Good Clean Veg

CHANGE OF PLANS for today! We’re moving the market in and around the rinkhouse so [...]

Local…It’s not just for summer anymore

A number of people I’ve met lately have asked if I take a long winter [...]

Hibernation, Hard Work, and Cheese!

My current favourite breakfast treat is Monforte Dairy’s “Labane” spread thickly on toast (Heidrun‘s Cranberry [...]

Come Together on the Rink

I just came back from New York, where I visited the Union Square Farmers’ Market…or [...]

14 Years of Meeting at the Market

It’s hard to focus on local news today. I am really looking forward to seeing [...]

Warmer days mean more good things coming to market

So, what does a week of balmy temperatures mean? Well, among other things: Welcome back [...]

Will this be the last market for a while?

I listened to the news just before writing this, in case there was useful information [...]

How many more weeks of ‘winter’?

I couldn’t decide what the groundhog’s vote was on Tuesday, but I did spot snowdrops [...]

Snowy on the roof, but lively on the inside

Hello Market Friends: We had a great afternoon last Thursday: friendly folks all round, lots [...]