Search Results for: carrot

We’re Here All Year! 💪

written by Nicole Jacobs, Market Manager Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St  *full [...]

Harvesting The Beauty! 

written by Nicole Jacobs, Market Manager Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St  *full [...]

So Much To Smile About! 🤩

written by Nicole Jacobs, Market Manager Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St  *full [...]

Marching Ahead With Joy!

With a new month already upon us, and a new season just looming, there really [...]

Parades, Repairs, and Tofu

Dear Market Friends: So this is it! After May 12th, we are going to move [...]

Rest & Digest

We have two more online markets at the depot, and then we will bid a [...]

Shout it out!

We’re shouting it from the rooftops: GOOD-HEARTED-LEVEL-HEADED-COMMUNITY-MINDED-WELL-INFORMED-PRO-ORGANIC-PEOPLE NEEDED!   You may have read our callout [...]