Search Results for: kimchi
An Apple A Day! 🍎🍎🍎
written by Lillian Carcao, Communications Coordinator Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St *full [...]
Long Weekend, Here We Come! 💪
So the saga continues? Of the spring that wouldn’t quite “spring”, I mean. haha Well [...]
Rainbow Road
We made it through our first (somewhat) rainy market day, with flying colours….so much so [...]
You Gotta Make Your Own
Hello Market Friends: You can’t go to the movies, you can’t hang around in your [...]
Love Your Market, February 8th, 2018
Lots of comings and goings to report this time: Shayne will be setting up in [...]
Local…It’s not just for summer anymore
A number of people I’ve met lately have asked if I take a long winter [...]
Fair Days, Fair Food
The longest and loveliest early summer days must be savoured. Swap ‘busy’ for better words, [...]
Your Belly will Thank You
Note: We’re open Thursdays from 3pm to 7 pm, whatever the weather, whatever the season. [...]