Search Results for: turkey

Celebrating Agriculture With Joy! 🤸🏿‍♂️

written by Nicole Jacobs, Market Manager Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St  *full [...]

Harvesting The Beauty! 

written by Nicole Jacobs, Market Manager Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St  *full [...]

Hooray For Garlic Week! 🧄🧄🧄

written by Nicole Jacobs, Market Manager Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St  *full [...]

Fall Adventures, Food Adventures!

Hi folks, and what a season it’s been so far! Well guess what? This week [...]

A Truly Unbiased Review

Hello Market Community, Matt joining you this week. I’ve written here before about what’s beautiful and [...]

Would this music still be hidden…

First, I must tell you that it has been a busy week behind the scenes [...]

Oh Captain! My Captain.

Hello Market Friends: There is so much news from the vendors that we’d better start [...]

Market News-The Winter Solstice Edition

The short dark days of early winter are challenging for many of us, but take [...]

A Gift that Keeps on Giving

Hello Market Friends: I was surprised when I heard the old saying, ‘What goes around, [...]

Bountiful and Beautiful Harvests

Photo credit: Buschbeck FarmsHello Market Friends: At approximately 4:32 last Thursday, fall blew into the [...]