ali shopping DSC1040 COLLAGE

Thank You

For Helping to Keep the Market Going!

Your help means we can continue to bring fresh, organic, delicious food to the community, and to support the people who grow that food.


Your contribution: ${paid_amount}
A record has been emailed to {payer_email}
Transaction id: {transaction_id}


Your Support Helps


Local Organic Farmers

$46 Contribution

Market Workers

Dufferin Grove Market Order

Great Food

Dufferin Grove Farmers' Market

Our Community

“I love how you’ve been so creative and resourceful in improvising a completely new way of reaching us all and keeping the market ecosystem going throughout the pandemic. So impressive!”
— B

“We the eaters are so fortunate to have dedicated folks like you keeping us market-goers nourished.”
— A

“The web site is great! It may be the best online shopping program I have used.”
— G