Located in Plattsville, Nith Valley Organics is within a half hour drive from Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and Guleph and only a block from the scenic Nith River. We are situated on a beautiful 75 acre property including cropland, greenhouses, pasture, hardwood bush, and a stream. Nith Valley Organics is a traditional mixed farm (crops and livestock) with a modern twist. We grow a broad diversity of vegetables (certified organic) have a small laying flock (omega 3 brown eggs), pastured sheep, and new this year pastured broiler chickens (organic not certified). Depending on when you were here and what we got ourselves into you might also see a few ducks or geese. The farm is run by owners Nathan and Aleta Klassen along with our dedicated crew. We sell primarily direct to consumer, but our products are also available through select stores and restaurants, from Mama Earth Organics, and processed into other products like sauerkraut. You can order direct from our online store Monday through Thursday, for Wednesday and Saturday pickup in Toronto.