What a Difference a Drop Makes

What a difference a drop makes

Hello Market Friends:

Reactions to last week’s sudden return to winter were mixed, indeed. Farmers like Jessie Sosnicki were happy to get a free nitrogen boost for their fields from the snowfall, but for fruit growers like Nacho and Mimi from Reyes’ Farms, there were anxious days of waiting to determine how much damage had been done to the apricots and early nectarines that were in full bloom when the temperature plunged. The photo up top shows Mimi picking blossoms to check for green growth at the base three days after the cold snap. So far, signs are promising. Such a tough gamble to be a farmer.

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Left picture shows a few short asparagus stalks sticking out of the earth and on sparcely clouded day. Right picture shows a few centimetres of snow on top of thick layers of straw on the ground

Nacho described piling as much straw as quickly as they could on top of the first asparagus to protect it, and those efforts were rewarded with a small first picking. We had a few bunches which were snapped up by the speed typists who place their orders as soon as the clock strikes twelve on Saturdays! Don’t worry, there will be more soon.

A bag on a picnic table surrounded by fruit, green, kombucha, seeds, bread, and beeswax candles

Matt Watt came up with the sweet idea of ‘Stay at Home’ gift bags full of special items from the market to treat yourself or give a boost to someone who is finding the lockdown wearying.

We are also happy to assemble custom bags to deliver for birthdays or any other reason. Just let us know and we will make a package that’s sure to please.

Indy and Joti from Kooner Farms are excited to be back with organically grown seedlings and bedding plants as a prelude to bringing their first crops! You may have noticed a listing for their green onion seedlings for $500. Apparently some people don’t know yet just how good Kooners’ green onions are, so we have reduced the price to $5.00 as an introductory special.

COSC is absent this week. Christine is finishing a paper on soil nutrient value to complete her Organic Farming studies in Scotland, submitting her certification paperwork, getting things in shape in the greenhouse, and planting an orchard. What does she do the rest of the time?!?

Below, as promised, are the solutions to our Spring Crossword Puzzle. Better brush up on your market vocabulary before the next one appears!

We look forward to getting more beautiful and delicious market food to you this week!

Anne & the Market Crew

Answers to our crossword puzzle. Please let us know if we can make the crossword more accessible to you