Growing up at the Market

Hello Market Friends: I had some special chats with people who stopped by for birthday [...]

Market News: The Birthday Edition!

Hello Market Friends:Daylight Savings Time has ended, and that means a once-a-year gift of an [...]

Anatomy of a Delivery

Hello Market Friends:This week, we invite you behind the scenes at the market depot, to [...]

The Thinning of the Veil (and the Braiding of the Garlic)

Hallowe’en week always makes me nostalgic for Dufferin Grove Markets of the past. Especially in [...]

The Benefits of Lamb Therapy

Hello Market Friends: I don’t know about you, but I have a new-found appreciation for [...]

If You Want It Darker

Hello Market Friends: Happy SPOOKtober, Matt is writing today and has had spiderwebs and pumpkin [...]

Bountiful and Beautiful Harvests

Photo credit: Buschbeck FarmsHello Market Friends: At approximately 4:32 last Thursday, fall blew into the [...]

Giants of the Vegetable World

Last week Sarah Brodbar-Nemzer sent me some photos of a vine which had grown two [...]

Pack a Peck of Peppers, Quick!

Every Thursday at 11 am, after all but a few vendors have dropped off their [...]

Stories and Storms 🌪️

Hello Market Friends: There is no pretending that the climate crisis only affects people far [...]