Hello Market Friends:Daylight Savings Time has ended, and that means a once-a-year gift of an extra hour. I hope you haven’t used yours up yet, because you are going to want all the time you can get to browse through our many specials this week!What’s the fuss? It’s the Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers’ Market’s 19th Anniversary of year-round operations, and that is something to celebrate!I wanted to share images of some of the people who have been part of the market over the years, but I would need a hundred photo collages to include them all! So many farmers and vendors, staff and volunteers, musicians and customers have contributed to the success of the market in so many ways over almost two decades….THANK YOU ALL.

As a little challenge for anyone who wants to take it on, whoever sends me the email with the most correct (first) names of people in the collage will receive a $10 market credit!Despite the market depot’s proximity to St. Anne’s, our current crew has not developed top notch choral skills (with a couple of notable exceptions). When we decided to make our debut on YouTube, we called on Ken Whiteley and Ellen Manney for help. The resulting performance is not very polished, but we think you will agree that we make up for any rough edges with our enthusiasm.
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Despite the market depot’s proximity to St. Anne’s, our current crew has not developed top notch choral skills (with a couple of notable exceptions). When we decided to make our debut on YouTube, we called on Ken Whiteley and Ellen Manney for help. The resulting performance is not very polished, but we think you will agree that we make up for any rough edges with our enthusiasm.
Leslie Lindsay and Carole Ferrari have been planning this year’s Birthday Cake, which will be created in MotherDough’s bakery, and it is definitely something to look forward to! They are going to make 14 times the recipe so we will have delicious gluten-free, vegan cake for all, whether you are picking up your order or getting it delivered. With wonderful timing, Sundance Harvest is back at the market!
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We hope you will take advantage of all the specials, but even if you don’t place an order, you are welcome to drop by 270 Gladstone for a taste of our traditional gift to customers.We will also be continuing our very successful Stained Glass fundraiser, and if we are lucky, Aliana will bring more pieces to share in exchange for donations to the market. The Repair Café will be collecting items to fix as well, so true to form, the market will be hopping and happy.It is a great pleasure and privilege to work for our farmers and vendors as well as for this special community. Again, thank you for making it possible. We hope the market will have a bright future, and that you will be part of it!With love,Anne and the Market Crew
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