Lucky in Love

Lucky in Love

Last Thursday Judith Thompson delivered a pile of young garlic from her allotment plot and Don Kerr brought a cooler bag filled to the brim with fresh dill harvested from his rooftop garden. Why? Just because they wanted to share their abundance with other market-goers. We also collected donations of bottle deposits, appreciative notes, lots of jars to return to vendors, and contributions to St. Anne’s with our name in the notes to help with the cost of providing space for our depot. This is an anything but ordinary community supported market.

lucky in love

We trust that you will help out with something important. Last week I mentioned that Lhundup from TC’s Tibetan Momos was just discharged from ICU after a serious case of Covid. He is recovering, but still very short of breath, and not ready to return to work. However, small family business-owners cannot afford to shut down operations without putting all that they have worked for in jeopardy. We will be launching a fundraiser for TC’s Momos. We don’t have a giving page up yet, but if you can help Tsewang and Lhundup urgently, please send an e-transfer to and write in the notes that it is for TC MOMO. Thank you for showing the love and support our community has to give.

When I was getting ready for my second vaccination, I was told that being well-hydrated helps to reduce any difficult after effects. I don’t know if that’s what did it, but I sailed through in fine shape, so I recommend taking care of yourself with delicious beverages from AlchemyMagic Oven, and Earth + City. You can scan through the whole list of choices by selecting Beverages under the Goods heading on

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Jasmine Gold Jun Kombucha
From Windswept, 8$

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Kyoto Rose Jun Kombucha
From Windswept, 8$

What are you going to do to honour Dear Old Dad? Would he like a Strawberry GaletteCold-Smoked Arctic Char, a Tomahawk Steakbrownies, or perhaps a hand-printed card? We’ve got lots of choices for all sorts of Dads this Father’s Day.

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The Weasel with a splash of orange
From Kawartha Broom Company, 25$
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Raw Beef Pet Food
From Harley Farms, 12$

“A fresh morel, cooked well, is one of the wonders of the woods.” So begins Seth’s description, and now is the time you can experience this delicacy, thanks to Forbes Wild Foods. They’ve got more salicornia too.

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Visit the Web Shop

When Glynis from Aldergrove prepares her exquisite bunches of ranunculus and peonies for us, she will wrap them in sheets of baking parchment, so when you get home and put your blooms in a vase, you can use the wrapping again, a clever bonus that’s better than the prize in a box of cracker jacks! Aldergrove also have spring radishes and slicing cucumbers to put crunch in your summer salads.

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Don’t miss your one and only last chance exclusive opportunity to get big, well-grown vegetable and herb plants from COSC, including special varieties of sweet peppersJapanese eggplants, and sweet potato combos.

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Oh! I almost forgot: there are lots more strawberries this week, including flats for freezing or jamming. The season is short but sweet, so get them while you can!

This is the week we are hosting the Repair Cafe (Covid version). Bring a maximum of 2 household objects in need of repair to our volunteers at the market depot (270 Gladstone Avenue). Leave your contact info. as well.  Paul and Fern will whisk them away to their fixers, and let you know when they are ready to pick up back at the depot. This wonderful, waste-diverting service is FREE, although donations are always welcome

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Can you help us spread the word? If you can email or print and share our posters for this event, we would really appreciate it! Reply to this email for a printable PDF version of the poster.

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Have a lovely week!

Anne & the Market Crew

P.S. A reminder that the market will be CLOSED July 1st.