New Year, New Cheer!

nic and julie

Hello friends! And happy (not so) new year!

Sorry that it’s been so long since we last “spoke”, but know that we’ve missed you – truly! ????


“Downtime” can be very bittersweet, I’m learning, (ho-hum.) But hey, a bright, and beautiful year is upon us! Hopefully you were able to close out 2022, joyfully and safely – and that “week one” of 2023, has been amazing for you – even without our weekly organic soirees. Sigh..

So first, I should touch base about where the market stands, as of right now. You may recall in my last update, I did mention that I was hoping to find a way to keep things going. Well unfortunately, that is not the case, and we will indeed be taking a pause until the spring.  

But please know that this was not an easy decision to make. It does pain me to know that this will be the longest “interruption” the market has had, in its entire 20-year history.

However, a number of factors were taken into account. Given the market’s current finances, along with the added expenses it has had to incur since start of the pandemic, and with construction still in progress, at our usual home in Dufferin Grove Park, it would have been just too difficult, and too costly for us to continue – especially during a period of what is normally the slowest season for the market.

I know this is not the best of news, especially given how often the market has had to transition and/or pivot, in the last few years, but once again, we’re asking you to hang in there with us. After all, spring is coming – maybe not tomorrow, but it is coming! And by then we’ll re-emerge with even more energy and zeal than before! So if you do stick with us, we’ll make it worthwhile! ????

wood oven

Some things to consider, (in the meantime)… 

Other (nearby) markets still operating:

1- Sorauren Market – (currently), on the 3rd Monday of every month, starting January 16th

2- Wychwood Barns, (Saturday mornings, 8am-1pm) 

3- Evergreen Brickworks (Saturday mornings, 9am-1pm)

A great way to stay “engaged” in the market scene, and to support our local vendors – many of which are also Dufferin Grove vendors. 🙂

Also in the meantime..

Although the market is not currently operating, I will send out a newsletter once a month. This will be largely to just touch base – and also to let you know what’s happening in the community. Including how the park construction is going, as well as any (relevant) communications from vendors – and of course, to just say “hello”! Yup, that’s right – I’m not going anywhere! Tee hee

You should also know that the dear folks at St Anne’s church would also like to collaborate with us, about hosting events for the community. And if all goes well, we’re hoping to put on a “spring tasting” event, (back at the church, in early spring.) But stay tuned yet – lots still to consider!

And lastly, if you’re wanting to stay involved, or even just be more “hands on” with your favourite farmers’ market, please reach out! I’m always looking for willing volunteers – both to help with the market itself, and with other community events. So please feel free to drop me a line, with the subject “volunteering”, to

Ok folks, that will do for now – thanks so much for reading, and for helping us have an amazing 2022 market year. More great things and great food, to come in 2023.



veggie tales