The Forecast

Have you noticed how much growth trees are putting on this year? It’s one of [...]

The June Bonus Market News

Every so often the calendar gives us an extra Thursday, and since June is such [...]

Some Sure Signs of Summer

Every year around the solstice there’s a wonderful moment when Debbie Wiecha’s lavender is ready to [...]

Sweet Eats

Sweet days are here, strawberry season is underway. Quantities are limited, hope you get what [...]

Celebrate Local Food Week with Your Favourite Food Producers!

Yes, indeed, good things grow in Ontario, and good times are ahead at the market. [...]

Hello June!

The wild weather last Thursday made for one of the toughest market days ever, but [...]

Spring Rains, Growing Pains and Good Things to Eat

We’re moving a few of the vendors who usually set up on the path ‘up [...]

Here We Go!

This week my daughter and I were imagining how amazing the neighbourhood would look to [...]

Thursday Blues and Greens

Last week, when most market-goers wrapped up their shopping early to get out of the [...]

Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb

When actors mumble this it’s because they haven’t actually got any words to say, but [...]