Search Results for: eggplant

Sowing The Seeds!

written by Jerako Wendt Market operates Thursdays, 3-7pm, at 875 Dufferin St  *full vendor list [...]

Fall Adventures, Food Adventures!

Hi folks, and what a season it’s been so far! Well guess what? This week [...]

A Season with Reason!

Wow, what a week it’s been! Lots of September excitement and change. A new school [...]

New Faces, “Old” Faces…

I’m sure that many of you would agree that this market season has been truly [...]

Rest & Digest

We have two more online markets at the depot, and then we will bid a [...]

Would this music still be hidden…

First, I must tell you that it has been a busy week behind the scenes [...]

Freezing and Thawing

A huge thank you to everyone who has purchased a gift for a person in [...]

November is a State of Mind

There’s a lot of talk about city folks moving to the country in the papers, [...]