Search Results for: arugula

A Fresh Year Ahead

Happy New Year! One missed market, and it feels like such a long time! It [...]

Think Vertical

LAST MARKET OF 2016: DECEMBER 22ND FIRST MARKET OF 2017: JANUARY 5TH When the thermometer [...]

Can You Believe it?

December already. Does anyone else feel a few steps behind the calendar? Misty days, mild [...]

A Cozy and Abundant Market

We timed it just right. Okay, there were a couple of stormy market days we’d [...]

Come Together on the Rink

I just came back from New York, where I visited the Union Square Farmers’ Market…or [...]

Think Like a Farmer

City living offers just about everything a body could wish for 24/7, so what should [...]

Tell the truth

Fess up, does your local recipe list start with rhubarb crumble and end with pumpkin [...]

Canada Day Market News

  When you do the rounds of the farmers’ tables this week, you’ll see that [...]

I Eat my Peas with Honey

It will be the longest Thursday of the year, but you can look forward to [...]

Fair Days, Fair Food

The longest and loveliest early summer days must be savoured. Swap ‘busy’ for better words, [...]