Fabulous February

Fabulous February

Hello Market Friends:

Last Thursday we honoured the beginning of Black History Month with a poem read by the amazing Nicole Jacobs. The author was Whitney French, who arrived to pick up her market order later in the day! We are humbled by the talents of our market supporters. Nicole’s writing begins the news this week:

“February is ironically, a jam-packed month, despite it being the shortest. As we know, February is typically quite cold for us Canadians. So Groundhog Day for example, garners much excitement and anticipation, with the promise of early spring. And depending on how you feel about a certain mid-month celebration that centers around hearts, and the colours red and pink, that may be another thing for you to love about this month. However, the thing I’d like to talk about that also happens every February, is Black History Month.

Now some of us are quite comfortable with our own personal understanding of what this means, while others may not be quite sure at all – and all of this is totally ok! As a black woman myself, I like to see Black History Month as an opportunity to build community – especially with, (but not limited to), those who don’t identify as Black. And in these times in particular, many of us have come to realize (or further realize), just how precious community building is. How? I’ve always felt that listening is the best way to learn – to connect. Listen to what someone is asking you. Listen to a response you may be given to your own inquiry.

Black Lives Matter. Maybe you’re contemplating your own understanding of what this movement entails. For different people, it can mean many different things. In the summer of 2020, many of us witnessed what can accurately be categorized as a racial reckoning. For a lot of us, this was quite eye-opening. But one thing for certain is that Black Lives Matter has allowed for, and in some ways demanded, further discussion on the impacts of anti-black racism, and numerous other forms of oppression. Not the happiest of topics I know, but again, a profound opportunity for community building.

So as you’re coping, managing, or maybe even thriving, through the impacts of COVID-19, combined with the ups and downs of February, perhaps Black History Month can provide you a moment for pause – a space to expand ideas that you’ve long held, or maybe just simply the chance to enjoy the work of an artist not typically familiar to you. Ok, so much to do – only three weeks left in this fabulous month!”

fabulous february
Nicole with Rodrigo of Plan B Organic Farms.

Old-timers among the Crew had a joyful reunion with Rodrigo Venturelli of Plan B Organic Farms, who arrived to deliver their very welcome fresh produce. We’re proud to say that Rodrigo seemed impressed by our setup, which is saying something considering the quantities of organic food that Plan B is accustomed to delivering!

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Market Boxes are Back! We had so much fun with our Holiday Boxes that we are creating more.

This week’s theme is Brunch, three ways. There’s a long weekend coming up, and since we will all be dining in, we thought we’d do some advance menu planning so you can treat yourself, your sweetheart, your friends and/or your family to delicious market selections.

A reminder that we have expanded our delivery zone, and can also arrange custom deliveries throughout the GTA if you inquire ahead. Please order your Brunch Boxes by Monday night if possible so we have time to assemble all the goodies.

If you shop on our recently added page you might also spy our Purim Bags available now for pre-order!

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Persian Love Cake
from Motherdough, $20

A few items of note this week:

ChocoSol’s Vanilla Sea Salt Bars are on special for $6!

Tapioca Toronto is packing 7 of their mini-brownies into one irresistible container. Oh yes, and they have homemade Squash and Quinoa Soup, too!

Nature’s Way will be bringing just a few of their certified organic eggs while Marvellous Edibles is away.

Canadian Organic Seed Company has added more seeds to the site –  many exclusive to our market.

Carole from MotherDough is baking Persian Love Cakes, and donating all proceeds after the cost of ingredients to Justicia for Migrant Workers.

This is the last week for Reyes‘ Mutsu apples and Bosc Pears. Although some of the pears don’t look as pretty as they once did, once you peel them they are wonderful for baking. I promised a friend that I would put my best pear baking recipe in the news, because it really is superb. It’s adapted from one in Bon Appetit.

Bosc Pear Upside Down Cake

2 Tbsp. ChocoSol Coconut Oil (or unsalted butter), plus some for the pan

Âľ cup all-purpose flour

¾ cup MotherDough Soft Wheat Flour

Juice of an organic orange from Plan B

â…› cup pomegranate molasses

1ÂĽ cup organic sugar, divided

4  Reyes’ Bosc Pears, peeled, core scooped out (use a melon baller)

1 cup Green Florin walnuts, toasted

1 ½ tsp. Baking powder

½ tsp. Baking Soda

½ tsp. salt

1 tsp. ground cardamom

4 large Bees Universe eggs

Zest of the organic orange

1 cup olive oil

Preheat the oven to 350. Grease a 10” round pan and line the bottom with parchment.

In a medium sized frying pan, cook the orange juice, pomegranate molasses, 2 Tbsp coconut oil and ÂĽ cup sugar, stirring until well mixed. Continue cooking until mixture has reduced to a thick bubbly syrup.

Add the pears and cook until slightly softened, turning once so they are well coated in syrup.

Arrange them, cut side down, in the baking pan and pour the syrup over top. Put the pan outside where it’s cold while you mix the batter.

Blend walnuts and flours in a food processor until finely ground, adding baking powder, soda, salt and cardamom and mixing well.

In a large bowl, beat the eggs, orange zest and remaining Âľ cup of sugar until very fluffy (about 5 min.). Fold in dry ingredients in two rounds, mixing well between. Then mix in oil.

Fetch the chilled pan and pour the batter over the pears. Put a pan below the cake in the oven in case of spills and bake about 55 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. Let the cake cool for 15-20 minutes and then run a knife around the edge and flip the cake onto a rack. Peel off the parchment and let it cool before moving it to your nicest plate.

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Serve with whipped cream if you are really feeling fancy.

With love from us to you!
Anne & the Market Crew