MiddleMarch News

MiddleMarch News

Contented sheep at All Sorts Acres Farm. Photos by Jennifer Osborne

Hello Market Friends:

I think we got the lion’s part of March over with last week, and we are looking forward to more lamb-friendly weather ahead. Fortunately, the barn at All Sorts Acres is a cozy place for mamas and their little ones, who are arriving frequently now. Look at all these lambs!

middlemarch news
Pinky and Bob, the biggest of the AllSorts dogs, keep a watchful eye on their flock.
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A Note About Quality

We know there have been a number of quality issues with produce lately. This can happen, particularly in late winter when things have been stored too long or get too cold, but NOBODY wants to sell you lousy food! Especially when you are buying products sight unseen, everything you purchase from the online market should be good quality. PLEASE DON’T BE SO NICE! If you get something that slipped past the quality control judges, let us know and we will issue you a full credit for it. The farmers and market organizers would all much rather see you happy than have you question whether you want to order again. Thanks for all your support!


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I have to share very sad news once again this week. On March 4th, Mary Wigle passed away as a result of cancer. Mary was a dear and gracious friend and a steadfast supporter of the market. In the spring, a Gingko tree will be planted in Dufferin Grove in memory of Mary. May she rest in peace.


What’s in the shop this week?

First of all, two much-loved farms have returned after long absences:

Ayse from Marvellous Edibles says, “It was the longest holiday that Jens and I took in 30+ years of life together.” A very well-deserved break. Are we ready for it to be over? OH YEAH! Sorry, Jens and Ayse, but we love your food!!

Aldergrove Organic Farm is also returning and will be with us for a much longer season this year. Hurray! Fraser is digging Candy Carrots this week, magically sweet after ‘cold storage’ in the frozen ground.

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Candy Carrots
from Aldergrove Farm, $6.50

We are also happy to let you know that Essa Seedlings is bringing fresh buckwheat and sunflower sproutspea shoots and Liz’s beautiful blend of shoots and petals.

I am smitten with the new labels for Summergreen’s Woodchopper’s Blend mushrooms, and even more so with the delicious mixtures under the lids!

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Lots more, too! Enjoy browsing through the list of vendors!

Anne & the Market Crew