It is impossible to start peach season without telling/reminding you all that Wiecha Farms is no longer producing tender fruits. Connie Wiecha, who came to Dufferin for two years following her mother’s passing, has a full life with two little ones in British Columbia, and can’t do it any more. When she wrote this week she said with the extremes of heat and rain this year she didn’t know if the peaches would have succeeded anyway.
We have some customers who will only buy certified organic fruit, and we try to offer as many organic and local foods as we can, so to be sure I had done my homework, I contacted the Organic Council of Ontario to ask how many tender fruit growers are certified in the province. Apart from mixed-crop organic farms with a few trees, there is only one. His name is Phil Tregunno, and he grows many conventional fruits as well. He doesn’t come to markets; his fruit is sold through the Vineland Growers’ Cooperative.