The Gain and Pain of Rain

The Gain and Pain of Rain

First things first: I have the great pleasure of introducing a farm new to Dufferin this week! Ta Neter, which means “Divine Land”, is the beautiful homestead of ShabakaUtcha and their five children, where they keep bees, raise Maremma Dogs, Bengal Cats, and Babydoll Sheep, make soaps and medicinal products from their Botanical Garden, as well as growing a great selection of vegetables, which they will bring to the market. I’m sure you will show them a warm Dufferin welcome!

the gain and pain of rain
Red Leaf Lettuce
From Ta Neter Farm3.5$
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From Ta Neter Farm, 4$

Ayse started last week’s Marvellous Edibles newsletter like this:

“They say “Be careful what you wish for”! It seems to be raining or threatening to rain every day. A week of dry weather would be wonderful right now.”

Just a short time ago, everyone was worried about drought, and Christine from Canadian Organic Seed Co. was hugely relieved when they finally had “a million-dollar rainfall.”

For Jenny at Knuckle Down Farm, the wet stretch has yielded impressive results:

“My garden has exploded with all the rain so I am planning to come for the next two weeks! I’ve attached a photo of Max helping me harvest our comically large Swiss Chard.

Toronto, we are so excited to be bringing you fresh garlic and the most ridiculously gigantic greens! We also have kohlrabi and green onions this week and of course Italian parsley.”

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Unfortunately, Ted Thorpe got a very costly round of hail at his farm. Nicole Jacobs reports that Ted is in good spirits, and thankfully no one was hurt, “but the hail storm lasted 30 minutes and was even worse because there was severe wind as well.

“Ted said they were nickel-sized pellets, and very intense. The storm was also quite localized because “just down the street”, the hail was golf-ball-sized! His brother’s farm (across the field), was also devastated. However, Plan B, minutes away, was completely spared of any wild weather conditions – so weird how these things go.”

Thorpe’s will have a greatly reduced supply of vegetables as a result. Let’s make sure we buy everything we can, and be willing to accept some imperfections. With help from his daughters Maya and Leah, he will replant, and they hope to have late fall greens.

Such unpredictable times. Crop insurance is designed for big mono-croppers, but small organic farms have to get by on diversity and a roll of the dice.

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Potato 5lb for $5
From Thorpe’s5$
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Yellow Zucchini (Green also available)
From Thorpe’s, 1$

Elsewhere, our growers are starting to harvest the glorious foods of high summer. We were dazzled at the depot by The Greenhouse Eatery’s gorgeous array of green beansfresh dillcallaloonew potatoes and more last week. When Carole from MotherDough came to drop off her baking, she picked up an exquisite bundle of Audrey’s tender new beets with dark purple leaves and said in hushed tones, “Wow, these are Michelin star vegetables.” True, but luckily you don’t have to be a famous chef to cook with them, and if you don’t have any desire to cook, Audrey will do it for you! Don’t miss out on her signature dishes, Farm Ratatouille and Root Vegetable Mash, made entirely from the bounty of her farm.

Our fundraising campaign for TC’s Tibetan Momos has wrapped up, and we are happy to announce that the market community raised $3500 to assist with their rent and other expenses while Lhundup was unable to work. Here is an excerpt from another lovely note from Lhundup and Tsewang:

“We really appreciate and thank all the beautiful people who have shown love and kindness to us during our difficult time. Your love will remain in our hearts forever.”

MOMOS are BACK, so it’s time to celebrate by eating lots!

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Chicken MoMo
From TC Tibetan MoMo25$
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Chili Oil
From TC Tibetan MoMo, 6$

Essa Seedlings and Sprouts returns this week too, with some of Liz’s lovely bouquets.

To wrap up, thank you to our flexible, responsive, appreciative customers! You are the terrific people who not only make it possible to run this market, but make it a great experience!

Wishing you a week that is not too wet, not too dry, but just right!

Anne & the Market Crew

P.S. Remember Banjo Man George? He is coming to play for us at the depot!

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