Good things to put in your Basket

LATE-BREAKING NEWS: The weather messes with the best-laid plans, so the newsletter below is no [...]

Sap Season Market News

On a walk by the lake last weekend, I noticed little blooms emerging on the [...]

Skating is over and seeding is underway

When temperatures start to rise, and daylight hours increase, Beat the Clock is the name [...]

March Sun

My mother had a lot of favourite tips from aunts, grandmothers, and country women she [...]

We’re on, and We’re Optimistic!

Why is there a picture of peaches and flowers on this stormy day? Because Debbie [...]

Will this be the last market for a while?

I listened to the news just before writing this, in case there was useful information [...]

Kale-seeking Paparazzi?

Thanks for tip-toeing around the camera crew last Thursday. They were filming an episode of [...]

How many more weeks of ‘winter’?

I couldn’t decide what the groundhog’s vote was on Tuesday, but I did spot snowdrops [...]

What’s Your Comfort Food?

Soup’s on at our house this week, and I’m so glad I saved lots of [...]

A Happy Hodge-Podge

This week has been an exceptionally busy and varied one for market correspondence. I’ve had an [...]