Good things to put in your Basket

LATE-BREAKING NEWS: The weather messes with the best-laid plans, so the newsletter below is no longer accurate, but YES, the market is ON!

As of 1:20 pm Thursday March 24th, Marvellous Edibles, Kind Organics, Plan B and Everdale are on the way to market, DeFloured, Ali Harris, YingYing Soy, Forbes Wild Foods, ChocoSol and Culture City have confirmed that they are coming, and Best Baa, Bees Universe and Country Meadows (Angelos) are stuck at home due to icy roads.

I’m delighted to announce the return of Best Baa to the market this week. Peter and Nicole Bzikot will be taking turns behind the table for the next while, so you’ll have a chance to ask lots of questions about their delicious products. I am especially looking forward to stocking up on their fantastic sheep’s milk yogurt, which makes a perfect spring treat with a little maple syrup, and Nicole says their ‘Ramembert’ cheeses are extra-good right now.

Another happy spring return: Jens Gemmrich from Frogpond Farm will be coming to market with his organic wines. Time for a toast to the season!

News from Kyle Warren: “Everdale has lots of spinach again this week, so stock up because this will be our last week of the winter market. Also, bringing lots of roots and dry beans. Seeding is in full swing and an early planting of carrots and beets are up and growing so we’ll be back before you know it! Registration is now open for the amazing Farm Camp we run for ages 6-14 through the month of July.”
Read all about it here:

Plan B will round out the produce selection in the garage, and if you can keep a secret I’ll tell you that there just might be the first few bunches of things that popped up in the greenhouse on their tables.

Marvellous Edibles will have freshly charcoal smoked Hams, fresh sausages and roasts, duck and turkey eggs, and lots of greens as well.

Look for chocolate bunnies on ChocoSol’s table along with their many varieties of bars. Great coffee, too!

And of course, there will be lovely fresh eggs from Country Meadows and Bees Universe.

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

Here are this week’s vendors:

Bees Universe RINKHOUSE
Chocosol GARAGE
Country Meadows RINKHOUSE
Culture City GARAGE
Dufferin Park Bakers RINKHOUSE
Everdale Organic Farm GARAGE
Forbes Wild Foods RINKHOUSE
Frogpond Farm RINKHOUSE
Kind Organics RINKHOUSE
Marvellous Edibles Farm RINKHOUSE
Ying Ying Soy Food RINKHOUSE


We’re open from 3 to 7 pm, rain or shine.
There are special parking hours for Thursday afternoons across from the high school at the north end of the park.