Hello Market Friends:
Have you ever spent half an afternoon shelling peas, only to see them gobbled in five minutes? Or maybe half a day trying to pit enough sour cherries to make one small but glorious pie? These are not tasks which can be tallied up as ‘worth it’ in dollars, but I’m sure we all have memories of putting labour into things just for the love we share by doing so.
Let’s share some love and gratitude for all the people who are working flat out on farms or in kitchens through the intense heat, too, and remember that food doesn’t appear by magic from a big air-conditioned room at the back of the supermarket!
On the topic of air-conditioners, if anyone out there has a working window unit they could lend us to use for a few Thursdays, please get in touch! We have a portable one in the depot, but it’s not quite up to the task.
The heat does bring on amazing summer crops, so our produce list is growing dramatically! Among the big show-stoppers are cherries and fresh garlic.
Another category where you’ll find great selection on the site is fresh-picked herbs! We’ve got more than Simon and Garfunkel. Try some Lemon Balm iced tea, or add finely chopped Lovage to your favourite sandwich filling. Load Basil and Oregano onto bruschetta, and make mid-July pesto with whatever strikes your fancy. Be sure to put some in the freezer to give your tastebuds a blast in the months when these small luxuries are not so available.
We have to wait one more week for Wiecha Farms to start coming in, MotherDough (Carole Ferrari) is taking a much-needed rest, and Japaneats (Chi Maeza) is busy moving, so our list is slightly smaller this time, but there is still more than you could eat in a month of Sundays to choose from.
Enjoy your market goodies!
Anne Freeman & the Market Team
Join the Market ArtHive Popup on instagram @arthivepopup and on Zoom: 891 4366 8047 every Thursday from 11-1!