Hello Market Friends:
There was a new moon this week, and I hear that means it’s time for change. For the foreseeable future, we will all have to adapt to unfamiliar ways of doing things. The bread bakers have been sent home, and the rinkhouse will remain locked for some time, but we hope to keep the spirit of the market alive and well even though shopping has to be done in a very different way.
By next week, although the market is still closed, our aim is to have a more unified system for you to place orders from our vendors. “But I don’t like ordering!” you may protest. Sorry, but we have to adapt to present circumstances. We’re asking for your loyalty as well as your cooperation through this challenging time. I don’t need to tell you that a strong local food supply is vitally important, so please take this leap instead of stepping away.
Pre-ordering allows vendors to pack orders so they can be dropped off easily. It’s the best way to keep the connections you have with farmers and vendors while practicing social distancing.
You don’t need to be shy about placing small orders if you can come to pick them up (or send a friend); many small orders add up to worthwhile amounts for farmers and vendors.
If you live in the broader neighbourhood and need market orders delivered to your home, please email info@dufferingrovemarket.ca. For $10, your order(s) will be dropped off by bicycle.
For this Thursday:
The first 3 producers below are coming to the neighbourhood on Thursday March 26th, to drop off pre-orders ONLY. Most will accept exact change in an envelope for your pre-order; if you don’t have access to electronic payment, you can still order. The official deadline has passed, but it’s worth sending a request to these folks if you missed it!
Please be aware that there is no shopping on the spot; this is only for pickups.
When you come to get your order(s): Wait to pickup at least 2m away from others; and when your turn comes, if others are waiting, please just get ‘n’ go to help the farmers. Wash your hands before you come, and again when you return. Please send someone else if you are in voluntary isolation or unwell.
Monforte Dairy: cheeses and other dairy products. Door to Door Dairy Hotline 519-301-0198 or visit monforteonline.ca  Their store at 125 Jefferson Avenue is open Friday 11-630 and Saturday 6am-2pm.