Updated Market News for April 2nd

Hello Market Friends:
It is difficult to keep track of what day it is, isn’t it? If you’ve been a steady market news reader, you may think it’s Wednesday, because that’s when you usually hear what’s coming to market.

Our greatly altered circumstances mean that the market as we have known it remains closed, and we need to communicate earlier so you know what to order for delivery to the neighbourhood.

Last week, three vendors made safe and successful dropoffs of pre-orders near the park on Thursday afternoon, and this week, we are working with others to coordinate another delivery/drop.

Our hope is to offer you a variety of market foods for pre-orders and make it convenient and safe to pick them up. If you need assistance, we also have two capable (and currently underemployed) cyclists who will deliver orders to the broader neighbourhood (roughly Roncesvalles-King-Spadine-Dupont) for $10. If you live farther away, ask the vendor you want to order from what’s possible.

You can use various forms of electronic payment, or put exact change in a sealed envelope if you prefer. There isn’t a strict minimum order because if a good number of us place orders for delivery on the same day, it’s worth it for the vendors to come.

Click on any vendor’s name and you will find yourself on their Vendor Profile page, where there is information about how to order their products. The first four vendors listed below are the ones we hope to see on Thursday afternoon.

UPDATED LIST: (Bees Universe did not receive enough orders to drive in, unfortunately.


This week, we are delighted to announce that Blythe from Spade & Spoon is coming! We’ve missed you Blythe!

Another favourite, Krista from deFloured is taking orders for popular items.

It’s time to re-stock supplies of nuts, dried fruits, oils and more from Vasile of Green Florin.

Heriter Farms will be bringing in orders of beef and pork, too! (and they’ll accept orders til midnight Wednesday.)

PLEASE REMEMBER, the market remains closed: there is no shopping on site, and we cannot host any kind of gathering. This is a pickup of pre-orders only.

Vendors will be parked in designated spots, widely spaced, but within easy walking distance. When you order, you may be given a pickup time so we don’t have too many people coming at once. Please come on your own, or send someone for you if you should be in isolation. If you want delivery of orders from more than one vendor, please email me, and I will happily coordinate that.

Some of you have been going farther afield to pick up food from Marvellous Edibles. Jens and Ayse are taking a tiny break this week and going to Montreal to bring their son Cengiz‘s belongings home. We hope to arrange order pickups from them next week, as well as with Cheyenne Sundance, who will have a fresh crop of greens!

You can order from many of our other vendors. Here’s a list of contacts:

All Sorts Acre: sheep milk dairy, gelato, lamb, wool and felting supplies. Order at: www.allsortsacre.ca Delivery in the area is $10 unless orders are over $25

ChocoSol: chocolate, coffee. Order online at chocosoltraders.com Free shipping over $40
First Fish: cold and hot smoked Arctic Char, frozen Turbot and Char fillets. Email <info@firstfish.ca> (free delivery over $100 or pickup at 478 Queen St. East)
Earth & City: browse and choose your favourites at www.earthandcity.ca for delivery to your door!
Forbes Wild Foods: maple syrup, dried mushrooms, a wide assortment of preserved wild foods. Order online at wildfoods.ca
Heriter Farms: certified organic beef and pork. Order online at  www.heriterfarms.com or call Valencia at 613-970-6633.

Monforte Dairy: cheeses and other dairy products. Door to Door Dairy Hotline 519-301-0198 or visit monforteonline.ca  Their store at 125 Jefferson Avenue is open Friday 11-630 and Saturday 6am-2pm.

Plan B: local and imported certified organic produce, eggs, coffee, bread and more. Order online for neighbourhood delivery: planborganicfarms.ca
Urban Harvest: seeds and soil amendments. Orders will be shipped. Order at uharvest.ca
Hope to see you soon, and safely,
Anne Freeman