Market Connections

Market Connections
market connections
photo by Gurjot Narwal


Lots of information has been coming in to share, so this edition of the newsletter is bursting with links, to recipes, news, and opportunities.

Hope you got plenty of cake at our market birthday celebration. The dark horse was unquestionably the gluten-free parsnip cake, which was remarkably delicious this year. Several people asked how to make it, so here is a link to the recipe in a past post-birthday newsletter:  Scroll right down to the bottom to find it.

IMG 20171005 222735 553If you can’t get your mind off parsnips, try this decadent Pasta with Parsnips and Bacon recipe from the New York Times. You’ll want to get some of Marvellous Edibles’ perfectly smoky bacon for this dish. This week Jens will be bringing fresh pastured organic chicken, too.

From  Farm Manager Wolf Chrapko: “Everdale is proud to offer the following items this week: Jerusalem artichokes, arugula, red beets, candycane beets, gold beets, cabbage, orange carrot bunches, loose purple carrots, paris atlas ball carrots, celeriac, baby swiss chard, cilantro, collards, black kale, green kale, purple kale, leeks, red onions, yellow onions, shallots, parsnips, parsley, parsley root, watermelon radish, rutabaga, salad mix, salsify, spinach, hakurei salad turnips, storage turnips, black futzu mini pumpkins, butternut squash, delicata squash, fairytale pumpkins, red hubbard squash, spaghetti squash.

A fond farewell this week to our 2017 Sustainable Farming Apprentices.  They are pictured here with their graduation certificates. Everdale is now accepting applications to their 2018 certificates 1Sustainable Farming Certificate program! Lots of information, and application forms, are available at . We are excited to offer a few different options this year to accommodate different schedules and interests. We are also pleased to be increasing the wages of SFC Apprentices for the 2018 season. We will be considering applications for a maximum of only 4 full season positions, but are happy to welcome any number of students for the first 2 component sections.

The application deadline for full-season apprentices is December 15, 2017. A week-by-week schedule will be available soon.”

Or, perhaps you’d like to become a beekeeper! This looks interesting:

The Tandem Beekeeping community group encourages GTA residents to:
– build and populate your own elegant, compact DIY beehive on a budget this coming season;
– manage the colony efficiently in tandem with an expert beekeeper via smartphone app or email, for free – and share the experience.
Our free knowledge support is based on innovative practical solutions featured in “The World Inside and Around a Beehive” book series.
Contact email:

According to Linda Kapelaris, Angelos is “hard at work, harvest is good, and the weather is even better!” She forwarded a photo of the beautiful green-gold oil coming fresh out of the press. Hang in there, we hope to have Country Meadows back at the market in two weeks. 
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Looking forward to a visit from Windswept Cider! Sample and stock up on local hard ciders this week!

Let the stamping begin! We have Loyal Eaters cards for anyone who missed getting one last week.(Read all about the program here.) Once you have spent a total of $10 or more anywhere in the market, look (or ask) for Pia, myself or Seth to get your card stamped,  To add to the fun, each week you can try your luck in a draw for market prizes!

We are totally off the rink now because it’s getting prepped for opening day! I’ve added the location of each vendor who’s coming to help you find them and all the wonderful food they are bringing.
See you at the market!
Anne Freeman

Vendors This Week:

Ali Harris: rotis, sandwiches, salads, drinks (rinkhouse)
All Sorts Acre: lamb, wool, shepherd’s pies, sheep’s milk (west side)
Bees Universe: honey, eggs, bee products (rinkhouse)
Chocosol: chocolate, coffee, drinks (garage)
Culture City: fermented foods, condiments (west side)
DeFloured: gluten-free baking (west side)
Dufferin Park Bakers: wood-fired oven breads & pizzas, salads, snacks (rinkhouse)
Everdale: fresh organic produce (south end)
Forbes Wild Foods: nuts, mushrooms & other wild foods (rinkhouse)
Kind Organics: sprouts, salad mixes, teas (rinkhouse)
Marvellous Edibles: pastured poultry, meats, organic vegetables (rinkhouse)
Monforte Dairy: cheeses of many kinds (rinkhouse)
Pine River: fresh organic vegetables (rinkhouse)
Shared Harvest: fresh organic vegetables, herbs (south end)
Spade & Spoon: preserves made from home-grown produce, soups (rinkhouse)
Ted Thorpe: fresh produce (garage)
Urban Harvest: body care, seeds (rinkhouse)
Windswept Cider: local hard cider and perry (west side)

We’re open from 3 to 7 pm every Thursday except for the one between Christmas and New Year’s.