Have you been following the news of a possible ban of glyphosphate (Roundup) in the EU? This could be a major game changer, for bees and butterflies, for farmers, and for Monsanto, as so much of their revenue comes from sales of this pesticide and GMOs engineered to tolerate it. People taking a stand on how their food is produced do have an impact! Thanks for making the choice to support organic farming and food enterprises by coming to the market. No Roundup round here.
Happy Local Food Week! Here’s the good eating news:
Kyle Warren sent this week’s remarkable photo of early morning field work along with a great produce list: Everdale has salad mix, arugula, baby kale, baby chard, spinach, spicy salad mix, bok choy, beet greens, spring radish, salad turnips, cilantro, parsley, green onions, heads of romaine, storage roots and some asparagus.

The Sosnicki Organic Produce contribution: Strawberry Time!! Our crop is really nice this year and a nice batch will head in with Ben. We have three different varieties, an early, main season and late variety. These first ones are big, juicy and sweet and we’ll make sure to heap those quarts for everyone! Also our Mini Lettuces, Romaine Lettuces, Red and Butter Lettuces, Kale, White Turnips and Beets to round out our tables. Enjoy everyone! And if you want to learn how we grow these berries, make sure you check out our strawberry blog post: http://sosnickiorganicproduce.blogspot.ca/2016/05/our-organic-strawberries-2016.html?m=0
Ben, Jessie & crew :))
This week’s $5 special from Best Baa is…Cream Cheese! Garlic, Plain (without salt added) and Chives
and Pepper.
Helga called from Pine River, sounding very happy to announce their return, though the asparagus is a little slow growing in this cool stretch.
Welcome to Jennifer Osborn of All Sorts Acres, a farmer who is part of the Upper Canada Fibreshed. She will be attending occasionally with sheep’s milk ice cream, duck eggs, and various felt and fibre products, too.
Natasha Akiwenzie wrote to say they will not be down this time: “Mother Nature is being a tad miserable. The winds have been just strong and confused. One hour this way and then the next a totally different direction it seems. If we can get back to fishing on Friday, we can restock and get back to “normal” for next week.”
Knuckle Down Farm and Floralora will also be absent.
If you’ve read this far, indulge me, and try this poem by Marilyn Singer out loud:
I approve of June
Fresh food to chew
and chew
and chew
Lots of room to move around
or lie down
Not too hot
Not too cold
Not too wet
Not too dry
A good roof of sky over me and my calf
Who’s now halfway up
on new legs
He’ll want a meal real soon
Yes, I approve of June
See you at the market!
Anne Freeman
This week’s vendors:
Ali Harris
All Sorts Acres (NEW!)
Bees Universe
Best Baa
Country Meadows
Culture City
Dufferin Park Bakers
Earth & City
Evelyn’s Crackers
Forbes Wild Foods
Hungry Vegan
JK Fries
Kind Organics
Life in Homemade
Marvellous Edibles
Mike Fohr, aka the Knife Guy
Pine River Organic Farm
Plan B
Sosnicki Organic Produce
Spade & Spoon
Tapioca Gourmet
Thorpe’s Organic Produce
Urban Harvest
VQA Wines: Southbrook
Ying Ying Soy Food